Bucher Denwel
Bucher Denwel designs, supplies and commissions complete production plants, produces process units, and provides a wide range of specialised machinery equipment, engineering and automation solutions for brewing, craft brewing, pharmaceutical, chemical and power industries.
Products for brewing and craft brewing

Bucher Denwel, spol. s r. o. K Hajum 2
155 00 Prague
Czech Republic
Phone +420 270 007 400
155 00 Prague
Czech Republic
Phone +420 270 007 400
Brewing solutions

Beer recovery
Short pay back periods
Our tailormade ceramic membranes for beer recovery from surplus yeast guarantee high economical benefit and high quality of recovered beer. The high durability of the membranes, together with a well proven process based on over 20 years of experience with more than 100 plants installed worldwide, lead to very reliable systems with very low demand for operator presence and maintenance. This, and the short pay back periods, make our machines a standard solution for beer recovery today.

Beer filtration
Beer clarity and high product quality
Bucher Denwel designs, engineers and builds filter systems for microfiltration of highly sensitive liquids. Our filtration systems are used in breweries of all kinds and sizes in order to achieve best results for beer clarity and product quality.

Beer dealcoholisation
Highly dealcoholised beer
The dealcoholisation plants are designed in a way to produce a highly dealcoholised beer as well as rectified alcohol with minimum negative side effects on beer quality. The design is flexible regarding product flow and composition and is also well suitable for non-filtered beer. It is therefore a sustainable investment enabling a brewery to serve all current or future market trends.

Beer stabilisation
For economical treatment of beer
For economical treatment of beer and other beverages, regenerable PVPP can be used to achieve a long shelf-life, and the PVPP can be regenerated in-situ.
Expensive sacrificial (single-use) PVPP is eliminated. Even for moderate production capacities, the required investment can be amortised in a short time-scale.
- Reliable beer stabilisation
- Low PVPP losses
- Easy to handle

Cold Block
Safe and reliable Cold Block solution
We provide safe and reliable Cold Block solution engineered for your brewery. No matter if it´s manual, semiautomatic or automatic system, you will always receive an excellent technology increasing the efficiency of your operation from its first day of us
A typical Cold Block includes following production operations:
- yeast plant & beer recovery
- fermentation & maturation cellar
- filtration & bright beer cellar
- water deaeration & blending
Our supply includes automation, installation and commissioning.
Our comprehensive after sales service offers and provides immediate
and effective support. So, you can concentrate on what You love: Brewing great beer.