Juice Mixing Station
This practical solution enables preparing mixtures of solutions made up from any components available in the plant in order to create a satisfactory finished product of constant quality.

- High degree of protection against operating errors
- Easy to operate
- Possibility to enter a wide database of recipes
- Avoid contamination of the product with the cleaning solution
- Guarantee of repeatability of the quality of the finished product
- Significant time savings due to optimization of production processes
- Big savings due to accurate dosing
- Process control through data archiving.
The mixing system is referred to juice producers, beverages and other liquid products. It is a practical solution that enables the efficient preparation of solution mixtures from any components available in the plant in order to create a satisfying finished product of consistent quality.
The entire installation is based on the control system software that manages the operation of the valves and the cooperation of the valve blocks with the entire installation. The mixing system works on collectors, in a system that allows for several product mixing cycles at the same time. To implement this solution, it is necessary to enter the types, quantities and storage locations of the ingredients into the computer. Each product has its own number and data on its basic parameters are entered. The program can store data for up to one hundred ingredients for making mixtures. The entire mixing process is controlled by a controller that can store several hundred ready-made recipes. In the absence of a recipe, the technologist can enter it into the database of recipes by freely selecting ingredients, remembering that the sum of ingredients must be 100%. The implementation of mixing ingredients according to a given recipe comes down to selecting its number and name, specifying the total amount after mixing the ingredients and the place of mixing.
The program, implementing the recipe of the finished product, lets the individual components through successive valves into the collector and pumps them to the mixing tank.
The visualisation allows you to constantly track the path of ingredients to the mixing tank and to preview the implementation of the given recipe on a special board. It shows each subsequent step of collecting ingredients, their quantity and increasing weight in the mixing tank. Software compliant with HACCP standards enables full traceability of the product at every stage of production. After the process is completed, the program automatically starts cleaning the installation. Cleaning the installation can run in parallel with the production process.