Dryer retrofit
We can retrofit your old machine, which could be dismantled and transported to our workshop for complete overhaul. Than equipped with brand new control system, before being delivered and installed at the client site.

- higher throughput
- energy saving
- proven, self-optimised process flow
- user-friendly controls
- detailed reports and trend displays at the user panel
- optional data communication
- ideal for connection to Bucher NetService
We only use components with high reliability and availability. Consequently, this enables the machine or plant to maintain its expected capacity and to continue contributing to your future success.
After a retrofit, the control panel and the data handling comply with those of a new machine. Bucher SCADA can be used for data capture and for the centralised and uniform control of all Bucher machines installed, new or existing.
Having experience of retrofitting of more than 40 VBDs worldwide from different original suppliers, you can rely on us when it comes to assessment of your existing equipment and retrofit it for higher throughput as well as energy saving.
Click here to see an example of a VDB retrofit